Home Business 5 Exciting Opportunities From DNA Testing Results

5 Exciting Opportunities From DNA Testing Results

DNA testing, something that was frowned upon and thought to be inaccurate for quite some time has certainly come a long way since then. Today, we use DNA testing for so many different things.

Whether it’s to prove the innocence of a man sitting on death row or the guilt of the man that is still free, DNA has evolved, that the stuff it can do is pretty amazing. There are things it can do that people don’t even know about. This list will give you a few of the cool things that DNA testing is capable of doing in today’s modern world.

1. Map Out Your Family Tree

Gone are the days when you just were who you were. Today, you can simply swab a cheek, send off a kit, and start the search for family you didn’t even know you had. There are many different sites on the internet that will gladly take your DNA and help find thousands of family members you didn’t even know you had. This test looks at huge amounts of your DNA and then searches all over the world, until it finds matches that could very well be your family. Tracing your family tree has never been easier than it is today.

2. Solve an Ancient Mystery

DNA testing can even solve some of the mysteries of the past, such as where kings were buried and other curiosities. It’s amazing the things that can be found out if DNA is preserved in a cold, dark, dry place and it is said that it can be saved for thousands of years. There are many, many more mysteries out there that DNA testing could solve, this is just the beginning.

3. Tell You More About Your Dog

Have you ever wondered where you dog got his curly tail from or where he got his black and white spots? Well, DNA testing can help you discover your dog’s origins as well. There is a website that will test your dog’s DNA and let you know exactly where he came from. It probably won’t tell you why he eats every pair of shoes you mistakenly leave on the floor, but that is probably just because he’s a dog and like to chew.

4. Can Help You Predict the Future

One of the best things about DNA testing is its ability to predict the future. With saliva from a mother and a father, scientists can now predict some genetic disorders, like Down’s Syndrome. The field of prenatal genetic testing is steadily growing and widening as well. It can also predict your chance of colon cancer and other diseases by testing your DNA as well.

While this doesn’t mean you will get the disease, it does mean it’s possible, and now you can take precautions to prevent it, that you wouldn’t have taken before. This is a great thing, as many people die every year from diseases that could have been prevented, if they had just had a little bit of warning.

5. Help You Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

Now, who would have ever thought that DNA testing could help you meet your weight loss goals? According to scientists and studies done, it seems that 80 percent of our body fat is actually regulated by our genes. DNA testing can determine if you have the risk of becoming obese due to genetics. This, one, however, isn’t an absolute and has a long way to go. So, don’t go out looking for a DNA diet kit tomorrow, as it’s not perfected yet.

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